English, French, German, Spanish, Polish
The Grand Tour, The private tour, The food tour, The Christmas food tour, Step-on tours of Quebec City, Côte de Beaupré - Île d’Orléans - Charlevoix - Saguenay Lac St Jean
While I was doing a historical tour in German, someone of the group asked me a question in polish. I did answer in polish and very naturally I continued to do the rest of the visit in that language… The guests looked at me letting me know that there was something wrong… then I suddenly noticed that I did not switch drawers… Jumping from one language to the other is NOT a problem!
Born in Chile, I had the opportunity to visit Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador. I did my first trip to Europe to study music and languages in - Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Germany (RFA RDA) with voyages through Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Poland…
My second big crossing of the Atlantic was when I left for Canada, first to Saskatchewan passing through Manitoba and finally landing and settling in Québec Province. I shall always remember the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and the most beautiful experience in West Africa (Senegal and the Ivory Coast). I went here and there through the USA.
I shall always be an enthusiastic traveller feeling at home wherever I’m.
Music degree - Pianist and Opera singer; M Sc in languages - Liaison Interpreter; Host CBC - MC and Protocol; Project Assistant in a Museum; Project Director: conventions, international and cultural events; Director of the International Film Festival in Québec City.
« Through history, with anecdotes you shall always remember our Joie de Vivre!
Quebec ist eine Stadt in der mann sich so leicht verlieben kann.
¡Esta ciudad es sencillamente encantadora! Con su historia, su tesoro arquitectónico Quebec toca los corazones...
Quebec, z francuskimi korzeniami, jest najstarszym miastem w Ameryce Pólnocnej.»
- Margarita